Slipping up

By FastFlight - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my daughter used Pledge to clean the wooden staircase. I found out when I tried to walk down them in socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 767
You deserved it 5 140

Top comments

Either her heart was in the right place, or it really, really wasn't.

xNatsuki 0

Ouch. At least she does more than other kids these days.


I thought the staircase was a book case for a while then I thought the op was trying to walk on the bookcase on his hands with socks on them I fail...

l3allin_all_day 0
ilovejonathan13 0

hey, at least she cleaned right? (:

zendaddy0 0

theres somthing called a handrail most staircases have them

DreBeezy 9

I put that shit on my rooms hardwood floors once and made an ice skating rink