
By yumx24 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at the local swimming pool, my friend and I noticed two cute guys had just arrived. When they jumped in, we immediately took off our tank tops and got in the opposite end. They looked over at us, then looked at each other, got out of the pool and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 110
You deserved it 16 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What awkward kids... Even if they weren't interested, were they really so afraid of even talking to you that they had to LEAVE?

DreMaMa 0

Maybe, It wasn't even about you? Maybe your friend is the ugly one...just saying


It would be kind of creepy if someone got into the pool like immediately after I did and stared...


haha awww im sorry that happened to yuh... buh maybe they were gay or somethin,,

slutsstud 0

they were probably gay! dont sweat. no straight guy in his right mind would leave topless girls in swimming pool all my themselves

Maybe they ran off to get their phones so they could get your number. :-p

FMLwrestler 0

#56, you said "how does her being fat have to do with her getting rejected"? Well usually, people reject girls for 1 of 4 reasons: either they are ugly, or fat, or have bad personalities/approach, or don't connect well with the person. So basically, IF she was fat, that would be a very likely reason she was rejected for. And chances are that since she didn't even have time to show her personality or make a move, it comes down to her being either fat or ugly. So there's at LEAST a 50% chance that this girl was f-a-t FAT@SS. ok? as to the OP: If you ran some, lost some weight, and had your top off BEFOREHAND (so you didn't come on so strongly), you might have had a shot. NO OFFENSE at all, but the most annoying for me and a lot of athletic guys like me, is seeing a fat girl at the pool who just sits there. It makes me think, "no WONDER this girl is fat! she never moves around, burns any calories, gets exercise!" It's just kind of annoying to see. And yes it's a big turnoff. If you're gonna be fat, at LEAST show that you are active and try to not be so slothful.. k?

Matman10 0

Ouch I'm sorry. Don't worry I bet they were gay together anyway!!!

Matman10 0

That is so gross man!!! I feel your pain I was with my girlfriend once and accidentaly kissed her pimple and it popped in my mouth

rallets 22

i think #67 just wrote tomorrows FML

jb29 0

this isn't an FML you stupid *****. you were superficial, so were they. don't get annoyed when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine