By Anonymous - 20/03/2014 02:43 - United States - Canyon

Today, my boyfriend decided it was time to spice up our sex life. He now watches Sons Of Anarchy when we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 228
You deserved it 6 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Watching Sons of Anarchy while making Sons, possibly of Anarchy. Interesting.

So he needs to watch hairy bikers to get off? Maybe there are some questions that have to be asked?


Why would you want to watch any type of tv show while you're doing that? Especially that show. That sucks and it is a little odd if you ask me.

Well thats different if the tv just happens to be on in the heat of the moment but to be like "wait! I gotta turn my show on first!" is a little over the top lol. is it weird again? Because the characters don't act all ditzy and retarded like they do on 90210 and pretty little liars?

Nobody said anything about those dumb shows I've never even seen those shows before. And in my personal opinion it is a little weird to intentionally turn on a show to have sex to it. But whatever you're into is your decision.

That's incredibly awkward and annoying OP. You should probably tell him as much. Good luck OP

JMichael 25

No no you misread him OP. He wants to role play Sons of Anarchy.

I mean...bondage, different positions, whipped cream even, but i gotta say sons of anarchy do not come to mind when i think of "spicing up" my sex life. But maybe thats just me

Probably just you. SOA > whipped cream

I'm sure if you ask him and tell him you don't like it he'll stop

It sounds like your relationship is Breaking Bad

Maybe that's his way of saying..'until you get better at sex.. I have more important things to focus on' >_> either way the fact that you obviously dislike it yet let him anyways is kind of ridiculous. Just my assumptions though >_>