Second class citizen

By crapped on - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my family went on vacation. I had to stay home to take care of everyone's animals. I called my mom, who said she was too busy to talk to me. When my sister asked her who was on the phone, she replied, "The dog sitter." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 548
You deserved it 4 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

put the dog in her bed and let it shit and piss everywhere. "the dog sitter didn't do her job. next time you do it."

A7X_LoVeee 10

The ****? I don't know what's worse..the fact that they all went without you or how she referred to you as the dog sitter. Who wants to vote?


ijnek 3

Then don't clean. When the family asked you why its so dirty, tell them you're waiting for them, the house cleaner.

perdix 29

We still don't know what you did to be put in the doghouse, almost literally.

eat all the animals, I assure you they will never leave you home with the animals ever again...

lmaoatall 6

'accidently' lock the dogs in their bedrooms with lots of tuna in oil and canned pedigree, for about two days. please don't forget water. wouldn't want them to get dehydrated and constipated.

Look at the brighter side --> u'll be in peace without human beings in the house.

Iwashere12345 0

hey, you got a new nickname at least!

let them crap in moms room and sleep on her bed, I guess the "dog sitter" failed at the job...just. like mom failed at being a parent...