Say Anything 2.0

By notsomuch - 01/08/2011 03:09 - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend's attempt to win me back involved standing at the bottom of my apartment building with two airhorns, blasting them and shouting. And for some reason, singing "Sweet Caroline", even though that's not my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 871
You deserved it 3 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dont you mean your bf because How could you not take that winner back

bigjoekickass 0

Maybe he was asking for his other ex that lived in that building


I think that's really sweet! At least he made an effort!!

okevin 0

aww :) that's sweet. he loves you

really... like your name matters. some people get so hung up on the small stuff. I'm pretty sure there's a self help book with your name on it.

that's why friends don't let friends date Tom green.

littlemissalex 3

He's probably seen that episode of Glee.

dannyboy143 0

Haha Y would people say u deserved it????

get back with him.he loves u so much even though he sang the wrong song