Save the planet? Nah

By Earthling - 25/08/2016 02:20 - Colombia - Bogot?

Today, our art teacher told us we will have to build a giant Coca-Cola bottle made of smaller ones as our art project for next week, meant to represent the damage consumerism does to our environment. I think he doesn’t understand we will have to buy tons of Coke to get the bottles needed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 356
You deserved it 1 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try some recycling strategy, like setting up a collecting boot somewhere for people to dump their bottles.

hoosiergirl94 31

Ends up making a ten-bottle statue


you could ask people to give you their empty bottles

I'm more amazed by the fact that you have one of those legendary art teachers who hates consumerism and big business. I legitimately thought that was just a tv trope.


Not necessarily, good old fashion recycling should help.

You need someone to drink a shit ton of coke within the next week? I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!

I guess either London is big on recycle because you could probably get tons of plastic coke bottles here in a day! But the concept is interesting!!! Show consumerism buy buying! if i was you i would just have one Unopened bottle and say the job is done!

aaanndd you might also need to buy kilos of "coke" to complete such a strange project assignment

Or you can post signs for people to send you their empty bottles. Or put forth an effort in the project and pick up litter or the top of trash cans.

do a different interpretation and just do something along the lines of printing off coke labels... or paper mache lol

Tons of coke to finish an art project. Seems right, somehow.