Same joke, different year

By joleezad5 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Nixa

Today, while watching the Olympics, my father found it completely necessary to make a farting sound every single time an athlete jumps or bends over. This will be a very long few weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 203
You deserved it 2 470

Top comments

I first read it as he farts anytime an athlete farts or jumps over and thought, WTF, how does he fart so much.


Don't worry, you're not alone... Actually, that's nothing to the level of strangenes in my family.

delrio1d 5

at least he doesn't actually fart....

Michael Phelps is officially the most decorated Olympian!! Go Team USA!

MagicGiraffe 12

That was news four years ago...

jvmateo 0

Nope he just reached 19 medals today beating the record of a soviet Olympian over 40 years ago.

What does that have to do with farting?

Trisha_aus 15

Even the most decorated Olympian farts.

Your dad seems like a funny guy :D That would work perfectly if you were watching weightlifting :P

CantusVulpis 12

Stay away from gymnastics. Watch archery or shooting for best results. XD Unless bending arms count as bending. O_o

jonnynasty 0

That's ******* awesome. At least he's making the noises and not actually ******** himself right!?

OP wouldn't know which were real until it stared him in the nose.

I know this makes me seem terribly immature (and I am) but this really makes me laugh, and something I would do too! I know, I'm terrible ^_~

Maturity is overrated! I think OPs Dad rocks too...

very cool, glad I'm not the only one ^_^ life is short, gotta make it funny!

There's a very thin line between immaturity and annoying.

So be sure to cross that line as often as possible.

jvmateo 0

More successful when doing that during gymnastics. ;)

at least he has a sense of humor towards the olympics, most people take it waaaaay too seriously!