Sail on

By Drunken Sailor - 27/06/2011 19:20 - United States

Today, I found out my new Commanding Officer is my ex-wife's new boyfriend. We're going on a two year tour at sea in two weeks. The reason we got a divorce is that she couldn't handle being tied down with someone in the Navy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 372
You deserved it 3 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Obviously she lied, and wanted him. Higher rank, higher salary. Dont worry, she is a typical base **** n well divorced again once he figures out she is sleeping around while he is gone. You should thank him actually, better him than you.

allthatremains25 0
katiesmurph 5
BrittanyPernell6 0

this my friend is what we call a dog tag chaser or a barracks *****...

GoArmy6624 7

I feel your pain, brother. lost my bitch when I was in Iraq to my ex-best friend.

Tell your CO all of her bad qualities so and sabotage her relationship. Or just send a Predator Drone to drop a hellfire strike on her ass, I mean shit you are in the navy.

TalkinSmack 6

that'll make him look like a desperate jealous loser

tell the xommanding officer you boned her! just to see his reaction lol

mag4dust 0

seems like a ****... that definately sucks.

merderous117 0

omg that is sooo funny, lol