
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, someone broke my car's left side mirror. A friend of mine was buying a replacement one and texted me to confirm which one I needed. He asked: "It's the driver's side, right?" To which I replied: "Right". I got the wrong mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 291
You deserved it 47 993

Top comments

You guys do get the double meaning of 'right' in this FML, right? So of course it's an FML.

wow sucks, why dont you return it and get the correct one


renyark209 0

This is why, like MLIA, FML needs a "meh" button. Or, maybe even "Who Gives a Shit?" so therefore, WGAS.

Lol. this is funny because you were saying right, as in he is right about it being the drivers side... but i guess he took the "right" from you as the right side. that sucks, fyl indeed but hopefully it will be fixed. :)

Caldwell94 0

Im tired of people complaining "oh this isnt an fml you can easily fix it". fmls are supposed funny antecdotes that make you go "haha oh man that sucks". would you rather hear fmls like "today i found out that my daughters remians were found in a ravine and it looks like she was brutally murdered and raped"? nahh,

Who would come on to FML to tell everyone that? The OP says FML because his good friend misunderstood him. I prefer fake FML's that give the impression that the posters life, is indeed, ******.

GreenDaemon21 0

FALSE! This is based on a popular "foreign guy getting his driver's license" joke that I've heard oh so many times

mo_the_owl 0

how is this person's life ******?? lame. raise your standards fml!

softbonez 0

I'm not sure if returning is an option. My dad's car had the same situation, and since it was a custom piece, it had to be ordered and shipped, and it was a big hassle. It wasn't the wrong piece or anything, but I'm not sure the people would be so willing to take it back. IDK. And this may be a stretch, but maybe his friend was getting it because OP couldn't drive his car? My dad wouldn't drive his in fear of getting ticketed.

how is this fml? ok... u got the wrong mirror... so what? you LIFE is not ******. just get the right one dumbass.