Reverse Uno card

By BlackCheetah101 - 04/11/2009 06:51 - Australia

Today, I had a blind date that my friend set me up for. My date was the ugliest, most disgusting person you will ever meet, but I thought that I would give him a chance. He saw me, eyed me up and down, then said to my friend, "You're kidding, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 469
You deserved it 9 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe he meant it in a positive way, like because he thought you were way out of his league and that there was no way you'd go for him.

Just goes to show beggars can be choosers after all, guess you didn't get chosen. xD


You know what's worse than ugly people? Ugly people who think they're pretty... YDI for being ugly!

HighLife19 0

Harsh. And shallow. Hah, obviously you're pretty damn ugly too! That's what you deserve

So it's ok for YOU to say what you want about people no matter how rude it is but, when someone says something about you it's terriable. Wow. Someones a shallow bitch.

jeez. all you guys are acting like bitches. he probably thought he deserved more or somthin. I'm sure if you were rated by this guy you would be rated much less. get over urselves.

Him ugly? lol ur ugly .. with a ugly personality shallow hoee

people always say the ideal woman is unabtainable, but the contradict themselfsby creating an ideal man.

what a kawinkadink ! the same situation happened to my friend too

People think you're shallow (which you kind of are), but still, you did give him a chance and I give you props for that. He was the more shallow one, so FYL.