
By Anonymous - 06/07/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, my coworker came over to my desk and told me that I should protect my Twitter updates, because I had unknowingly made them public. My tweets include drinking stories, all the men I've hooked up with, various cuss words, sexual innuendos, and how much I hate my coworkers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 925
You deserved it 83 316

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bexox 0

Yeah that's why you don't post shit like that online...

You deserve it for believing you could get away with it. Twitter is a viscious website that people, anyone, can look at. You totally and one hundred percent de-*******-serve it.


illgutcha 0

Just in case u have not noticed.. that is what we all do!!!

There are "tweets" and then there are "twats" online. OP is both.

kira822_fml 0

My mom always told me: neve write anything down that u don't want others to see. Besides twitter sux.

greenltrn2003 0

whats wrong with having a twitter? will someone elaborate? I can bet you 97% of u saying that have never tried it. and if you can do that without a bias mood then you might like it. And the same people saying this most likely have a facebook and update their status every 10 minutes stop being assholes OP YDI either way (haha...dumb b*tch)

Why the hell do you need twitter? Are you so compelled to be heard, that IM, email, FB, and blogs are not enough? Since you are spending so much time on these, do your self a favor a spend an hour with a licensed counselor.

alex_vik 0

Twitter is pointless unless you're a business.

greenltrn2003 0

u dont even know how much time I spend on this shit...I suggest you not make assumptions, they make you look stupid. lighten up Also I make music so that might be a reason I have one.

hella_elyse 0

Completely deserved that, everyone knows everything on the net is available for everyone to see and on top of it. It will always stay there, no matter if you delete it or not. (google cache) Especially twitter, everything is public and twitter. That wasn't very smart of you but hey lesson learned right?

missmarley93 1

yeah wtf YDI, whats the point of making them private, isn't the purpose of twitter to share with everyone what you're doing? so with that being said why would you put that stuff? YDI x10

I'm calling fake! This sounds more like a warning to people to protect their online stuff/not post stuff like that at all than something that actually happened to someone. Because seriously...there are a lot of people who post stuff like that, and they all really need to be reminded of the risks they are taking by doing so.

No, it's probably not a fake. People are that stupid. Witness the "far left" wing and their head-in-the-sand worship of their beloved Hussein.

I know people are that stupid. I just don't think the stupid person who posted all of that would then be stupid enough to come on Fmylife and let all of us know how stupid they are. Because in acknowledging that it's an FML moment, they also must realize how much of a stupid mistake they had made.

uhhhh I do not kno anythin bout Twitter I don't hav 1 I bet u can. manage da settins tho FYL!

AngryC4t 0