Real funny

By Lamediseased - 29/09/2016 15:07 - Mexico - Mexico

Today, I got diagnosed with Lyme disease. My whole family thought it would be hilarious to call it, "Lame disease." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 551
You deserved it 771

Same thing different taste


The best thing to do here is to just accept the humor instead of fighting it. Maybe making your own jokes will help lessen the anxiety of having the disease to begin with. I joke about my disease all the time and I've found it's helped me adjust and be comfortable about it and talking about it as well.

Well no, the best thing to do would be to tell their family how much it bothers them and find a way to get them to stop. Humour is fine, if it is initiated by the patient, when the joke is at the patient's expense, especially after a recent diagnosis, that's just cruel. I make jokes about my diseases, including the cancer, but if my family had done that straight after my diagnoses I would have been pissed and rightly so. Even now, a lot of 'jokes' people make cross the line into rude and unwelcome. No one should make a joke out of someone else's health condition. Lyme disease is very serious, the family should be being supportive not making insensitive jokes.

Cocainewhore, I can't begin to thank you enough for taking the time to post your thoughts. Very well stated. And advocacy much needed. :)

Thank you. I appreciate people actually reading and taking on board things like this, so it's nice to know it's appreciated in return. :)

Lyme disease sucks. I hope you get better soon and stay out of sunlight while on your meds.

Sorry, op. I hope they caught on to it early. It took 8 years for my wife to get an accurate diagnosis. She's been on strong antibiotics for two. we're currently trying an injection therapy. There are groups on Facebook for people with Lyme. They're a good source of information, and are very supportive. I sincerely hope you have an easier time than we have. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

I'm in your wife's shoes. (And my husband in your shoes.) Much love and positive vibes to you all! I hope she's able to find something that knocks it out once and for all!

they're assholes and hopefully you get better soon!

"I can vaguely see you turning green," said my boyfriend at the time.

Op, I had Lyme disease really bad before and for a few years before I got diagnosed. Your family shouldn't be joking about it. Do some research and print it out to show them how bad it really can be and what all it can effect in the body.

Hello fellow Lyme Warrior. I was diagnosed may of 2015 and contracted Lyme July of 2014. Lyme sucks and is unfortunately a lifelong battle. Surround yourself with a good support system. Don't let your family bring down your last ounces of hope right now. I suggest finding a Lyme support group, I'm apart of many on Facebook and Instagram. It has helped me not feel so alone through my journey. I hope you take away the greater good of having Lyme disease, it took my over a year to figure it out. With time you will too. Stay strong my friend, this is a long exhausting journey you are starting to trek on. P.S. Google the chronic health spoon theory. This is the absolutely best way to describe to someone that you cannot do everything a relatively healthy person can. I hope this helps! ????

#41 you are right it is a life long battle. I had it for 2, 2 1/2 before I finally got diagnosed. I have never been the same since. It's ironic too because I had lymes disease, my grandma, and both her sisters and we all have a thyroid condition. Don't know if either are connected but it is really weird.

Blackshadows 13

Okay so I had lymes when I was like 12, 2 weeks or so of meds and it was gone. it was hell though, i couldn't stomach anything, meds often ended up coming back up, and I lost like 10lbs which is big for a 12 year old. it took me a long time to cover my ribs up with meat again. But after those 2ish weeks i was fine... I don't get what everyone is saying about a lifelong thing and the need for support groups. it's just a lot of pain and puking for a while, nothing that big.

Congratulations, you were treated and are now fine. Other people don't have that luck. Your experience in it isn't everyone's.

Different strains of lymes manifest differently. Some have a bullseye rash. Some don't. Some cause acute illness (such as what you're describing). Many don't. Some people with the acute illness, such as yourself, get incredibly lucky and 1- have a doctor that puts the pieces together, doesn't blow it off as a generic virus, and gives you treatment quickly; and 2- the treatment actually knocks the entirety of the bacteria out of your system. It HAS to be caught very early for much of a chance of a full cure. Those without the acute illness, without the bullseye rash, or who have doctors that write off the illness as something generic and don't test, are quite likely in the majority of people with Lymes. If the bacteria spread systematically (throughout the body), it leads to horrendous symptoms over time. Key here- over time. A patient might see a doctor about headaches...or fatigue....then a year or two later, memory problems, a year or two later, heart arrythmia, a year or two later joint pain (or in my case, a knee that suddenly caused such horrendous pain, I couldn't bear weight on it). None of these symptoms are very specific. And usually doctors will just try to treat each symptom and not even think to test for lymes (which the tests also aren't very good). Over time, symptoms become more and more severe, sometimes to the point of legal disability. Treatment at that point can occasionally help, but very occasionally. The bacteria are spread essentially everywhere. And they also VERY quickly become resistent to the few antibiotics that can help. I am very happy for you, that your lymes was cured. I hope you can feel a little extra grateful, and perhaps humbled, that you were so very very fortunate. Please do realize that doesn't happen for most people that get it.

I'm hoping they were just trying to make you feel better with humour. But seriously though. Get well soon, OP!