Ready, steady…

By dan - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Reserved

Today, we had a sprint race in gym class that I wasn't looking forward to because I'm a little chubby. The race started and I shot off as fast as I could, somehow in the lead. Everyone was cheering. When I was nearing the finish line I turned around, only to see the race hadn't started yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 674
You deserved it 9 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments


aj66602 0

YDI for being a fat deaf idiot. Haha fat ass!

I guess no one in your gym class is a "chubby chaser"

I'm sorry, but I really had to laugh at this.

hateevryone 14

how can you not know when the race starts? pay attention.

1991j 4

man. that happens to every one so its a memorable moment for you. :) enjoy high school

U shod have turned around n said "Thats just a taste b@&ch!"