Put that in your pipe and smoke it

By Mimi - 29/11/2012 05:29 - United States

Today, I was shopping when I overheard a woman telling an employee that she was buying an iPad for her 5-year-old son. Annoyed, I turned around and ranted about how he should have more age appropriate toys. Then she explained that her son is autistic and will be using the iPad to communicate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 895
You deserved it 94 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why was that any of your business? Y utterly DI

Respect strangers, and mind your own business. Problem solved.


Though it normally also bugs me how spoilt kids are, it was really rude of you to rant at the poor woman over it. Sure, you didn't know any better, but you could've just made a small comment or better yet you could've minded your own business. You totally frickin' deserved it.

chrissy2 28

People naturally expect the worst from everyone. If a waitress is slow you would blame it on her being lazy instead of realizing that the resturaunt is packed. You see a mom buying an iPod for her 5 year old you see a brat and bad parenting. People can judge all they want, but unless what someone is doing is hurting themselves or others DON'T GET INVOLVED! It's just rude

You shouldn't have done that! That was none of your busines. What did you expect to happen anyway?

Thats what you get you should have minded your own damn business!!!

bugmenotmofo 34

Other people's lives are none of your business. Be happy she didn't beat the **** out of you - she could certainly do that.

holyshitbatman 20

who are you to decide what's age appropriate?!

Legit it clearly has nothing to do with you so don't get yourself involved.

sweetmama88 6

I will never understand why people can't mind there own business . What is it any of your business what a parent buys anything for there child ?

It's not, but there are so many irresponsible parents out there that need a little bit of criticism to help them realize what they're doing wrong since they're obviously not getting it from everyone else. OP was being responsible and doing what she believed was saving the world from yet another messed up child with no sense of hard work and respect for everything that he/she's been given.