Public freakout time

By camzzz - 02/07/2011 08:27 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were walking around when she got lost in a crowd. And me, being a pig, playfully grabbed her butt. I realized it wasn't hers when the guy whose butt I'd grabbed by accident knocked me unconscious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 195
You deserved it 47 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You confused your girlfriend who a male capable of knocking you unconscious?


Crncj 0

You had mistaken a guy butt for your girlfriends. Smooth.

kidsmeal1231 0

so your girlfriend looks soooo much like a guy that you confused her for one? lmao!

mag4dust 0

how dis u manage to explain that one to him and ur gf? getting a dude mixed up with ur gf is pretty bad. was he that feminine looking or does she look like a dude???

Chrispayne 4

Sounds like he wanted to touch the guys butt and is making up a lame excuse when the "girlfriend" saw him. Come out of the clóset already

That happened to me once, but I knew the butt belonged to a guy. It was just so fine I couldn't resist...

For some weird unknown reason, the moment I read this fml... I almost thought,"This has to be from Seattle!".. And there you go.. It says Washington at the bottom. Well, close enough guess !

For some weird unknown reason, the moment I read this fml... I almost thought,"This has to be from Seattle!".. And there you go.. It says Washington at the bottom. Well, close enough guess !