Pooped out

By jmitch1209 - 28/01/2010 17:55 - United States

Today, I was potty-training my nephew. He had been on the toilet for almost twenty minutes and could not go. My phone started ringing, and as I went to pick it up he knocked it into the toilet. He then peed and pooped on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 936
You deserved it 3 864

Same thing different taste

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Today, I phoned up my best friend to talk about the days events. As soon as he picked up he farted in the earpiece and left me hanging while I heard him excrete in the background. FML.


LoveIsASong_eddi 0

That sucks, but HEY! He went on the potty! If you were truely potty training, this is exciting news...Sorry about your phone though

pattheaninal 9

how did he knock it in the toilet if he was in the toilet? and if he was standing, how did he manage to pee on it then squeeze off and sit down then poop that spontaneously. either he's very talented for just bein potty trained or your lying... I'm going with the latter.

take his head and bash it against the toilet.

why wud u b potty training ur nephew? Shudnt his parents be doing that?

karmasunshine 0

how did u drop it in the toilet if he was sitting on it? stupid.