Plumbing issues

By Anonymous - 25/01/2010 15:27 - United States

Today, the toilet at my apartment still hasn't been fixed. I have to straddle the bathtub for number 1's and go to Walmart for 2's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 322
You deserved it 3 244

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All you fucktards getting on her for peeing in the bathtub need to hop off. Your piss is sterile, so she's not wallowing in her own filth. All you judgemental assholes know that you pee in the tub too so back off. What if she can't use the neighbor's bathroom? Did you idiots ever consider that notion? No? Then get some common sense. Gosh, you dicks act like she can't clean the tub when she's done.


I bet the clerks at Wal*Mart are dreading your daily visit.

All you people who say she should do something about it, have you thought of the fact that she did make the call but they still haven't come to fix it?

jack_squat 0

Did you make sure to file it instead of just mentioning it (or worse, assuming landlords just know when things go wrong)? You'd be surprised at how many people expect things to be fixed, but never file any sort of maintenance request. Beyond that, fix it yourself. Toilets aren't high-tech pieces of equipment. You can learn what you need to *gasp* online, and dock your landlord an amount of rent equal to the cost of repairs - also file complaints if requests have been filed and he hasn't gotten around to it. If you aren't the type to fix them, withhold rent until the problem has been fixed - non-working plumbing is a valid reason for an apartment to be "unlivable." Minn's Landlord-Tenant laws:

Twi_lover_EC 6

I lived in a duplex and we had have the landlord fix things, and we couldn't fix anything without the landlord calling whoever it was to fix whaterver needed to be fixed. So ya ^^^^ maybe she did call to fix things but her landlord is dumb and hasn't done anything about it, and maybe the people won't come without talking to her landlord. And I don't think it's gross to pee in the shower. She can always clean it....

kelleyb323 0

OP, screw all these haters, I totally feel your pain and I have had to take 2's at Wal-Mart as well. I also have peed in the tub. I actually think the sink is better though. 

eww! Walmart bathrooms. I hope your toilet gets fixed soon!

You know what sucks even more? When the city does construction on your street and decides to shut off your water for 40 hours without telling you about it. So no water, no baths, no flushing, no washing of hands or anything.

shaniascreams 0

HAHA ! that is the best fml . xD