
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my best friend thought it would look cool if I recorded her swinging while lying under the swing. She ended up kicking me in the face and laughing so hard, she pissed on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 127
You deserved it 20 680

Top comments

datkid117 13

You didn't stop and think "Is there enough room for me to lay there without you kicking me?". Those must be some high ass swings. As for the peeing part. LMFAO =] FYL


i sure hope she didnt pee in your mouth.

angtaffe 0

why the hell would u agree to do that??

floodman360 0

YouTube video of the year lol

you totally di, also, i'm guessing you're naturally stupid as this is under 'love'. xD

This sounds like it belongs in **** somewhere

varkey 7

who laughs so hard that they pee? it couldn't have been that funny dont be her friend any more

boredtotears 0

giggity giggity, giggity goo

GolDenEye_21 0

wat the hell went through ur head lying under a swing anyway?