
By assgoblins piss me off - 06/05/2014 20:52 - Canada - Camrose

Today, I turned in my best painting yet for a scholarship competition. For once in my life, I was actually proud of a piece I'd done. I ended up losing the scholarship to some dickface who'd basically just glued together some crap from the dollar store and called it conceptual art. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 206
You deserved it 5 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

eaglerob 20

Maybe next time finger paint a few stick figures and glue on some macaroni? ;)


What exactly did you paint? It's hard for me to have an opinion on this without seeing both pieces. There is no reason not to still be proud of what you painted, but realize that art appreciation is subjective so there is no guarantee everyone is going to love what you do. Whatever it was that so inspired you about this painting, try to take that idea and start a series to develop it further, once you have a decent amount, try pitching a show to local galleries, see what happens! But don't hate just cause they liked someones art better than yours.

Appreciating paintings is subjective, but just like music and other types of art, it can be judged objectively too, since there are techniques and all. Whether OP's rage is somewhat justified or not depends a lot on the criteria being used to judge the works... if they were being judged just by the concept and the technique didn't really matter as long as it got the message across well, then OP is just a sore loser no matter what his painting was like, since there was no "right" way to do it. If they were supposed to be judged objectively... then OP might have a point.

No one understands my work and what I have been through to make this

fffianist 9

Eh you were probably going to encounter the same attitude studying art in college, anyway.

sistagal 8

OP, the real tragedy would be giving up. If at first you don't succeed, try try try again. Concentrate on being better instead of insulting the other guys work.

So, you lost to a bunch of clouds that didn't form anything?

yeyeboys 20

Sorry to hear the OP. Better lick next time!

Go van goh this shit and cut off a ear ant nail it on you will win

cryssycakesx3 22

bet it's hard to manicure an ant nail.