Pile up

By neverforgetyourphone - 05/03/2015 01:18 - Canada - Barrie

Today, I got into an accident. As I was talking to a police officer about what happened, the tow truck driver managed to take my car and drive away, leaving me with no phone or wallet. I just spent an hour walking home in a hail storm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 367
You deserved it 2 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Steffi3 40

Isn't the police officer supposed to bring you home safely in such cases? What an ass..

iLike2Teabag 27

You see, son, when a tow truck and a car love each other very much, they "hook up". This is followed by the truck giving the car a "ride", most likely to the tow yard. But afterwards, the tow truck will move on to hooking up with other cars, while OP's car is left alone, feeling used and very sad.


abbylouise_x3 7

I bet you were feeling a bit under the weather after that.

You needle make a zig zag to that tow company and pin the blame on that driver so you can get your stuff back OP.

Why didn't you ask the police officer for a ride? I'm sure he would have been happy to drive you!

Yeah I call bull on this one. Cops are legally obligated to at least offer a ride in such a situation. If you declined the ride, that's your own fault.

I thought Canadians where supposed to be nice how come the cop didn't help him out

Did you ask the cop for a ride? They'll give you one if you need it. Or they can call you a cab.

BlackFire4890 16

he could've at least gotten you to a phone.