Piercing wit

By piercingfreak - 28/08/2011 10:41 - New Zealand

Today, I went in to see my piercer. He took one look at my piercing I got a few months ago and laughed saying "What a shit job, I'm sorry but that's pretty crappy because it's not even straight!" I then had to awkwardly explain it was indeed him who had pierced me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 868
You deserved it 4 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Piercer- "that's awful! What moron pierced this??" OP- "YOU, BITCH!!!!"


Gelski58 2

Today, one of my customers came in. I noticed they got a new piercing that looked terrible, and I mentioned it, telling them it looked awful. Turns out I did the piercing. FML

stfuitscindeeeh9 3

I thumbed this up. It was truthful.

I'm suprised he didn't notice he messed up after he did it! Hopefully he refunded you or at least discounted you for your next one.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Agree with the refund, but I wouldn't let him do another piercing on me.

tsume24 3

by not being crooked or poorly-placed.

Where's the piercing? Shouldn't you have been able to see yourself that it wasn't straight?

tsume24 3

sometimes they heal crooked, or if they were done incorrectly, you sometimes can't notice until the swelling goes down. and sometimes piercings migrate if they weren't done right.

wait, why did you go back if he did a shitty job before?

fahquad 4

Most people who aren't in the industry wont notice unless you point it out. It's a subtle positioning that can make it look like shit.

That's why you get someone who's done it a lot and check to see f anyone know their work.

hellokitty45_fml 0

So many FMLs about fish aren't there?

trese666 0

don't feel awkward. you shoulda just busted him out loudly

@28 ... I had 2 piercings through my nape before, the first was fine, but for the second I used a different piercer who put it in fairly diagonally ... so yeah, they can be straight, or not Needless to say, I used my other piercer from then on


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