Pesky kids

By no one - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Dallas

Today, my house caught on fire. The firefighters said that it was caused by a lit cigarette on the carpet. I don't smoke, but apparently my 13 year-old son does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 174
You deserved it 4 022

Top comments

I'm a habitual smoker myself. Something about sucking long and hard on phallic objects really steams my clam, you know what I mean? Is that just me?


Sorry to hear that. At leat now you can get him help for it :)

Thats the generation, when i was 13 all i cared about was videogames n nudey magz... Well safe to say not much has changed in 5 years. lol

U might want to ground him for like till he moves out. Like that is ridiculous. What has the world come to these days!

OP shouldve known its kinda hard to miss cigarette smoke in your house and if u dont smoke, then its kinda obvious.

absosteel 0

Oops. Well thats one way to have your parents find out :/

You should pay for a new house with his college fund.