People of Walmart

By drano - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work as a cashier, a guy came up with a cart full of stuff and it took me 10 minutes to ring it all up. When I told him his total, he felt his pockets, said, "Oh shit, I forgot my wallet!" and walked off. He left about 15 bags worth of things for me to put back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 496
You deserved it 3 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Today, I went to the store. I spent hours finding all the stuff I needed, and it was so much that it took the cashier ten minutes to ring up. Then I realized I forgot my wallet. FML"


sireen 0

a cashier already gets enough shit as it is. that happened to me a few times, it sucks. then you get those assholes that give you counterfeit and.. argue that they got it from the bank. lmao. i worked behind a register and it's probably true- I'm a hell of a lot nicer to cashiers than most people.

omg that would really suck, that guys an asshole. i mean id atleast say im sorry lol

You have a job and "today" you had to do your job. I'm sure plenty other people might like your job if you don't want it...

stop crying. i work at a grocery store where ive had $500 orders to put back bcuz the food stamps ran out.

dyoung11 0

What grocery store do you work at? I work at a major national chain, and the cashiers have nothing to do with misplaced/returned groceries. If something like that happens, a quick call to a supervisor will have the entire cart placed in the freezer until someone from misplace can sort it out and put it all back. The worst part about this scenario is having your performance statistics go down while you're waiting on the customer to come back.

Not always the case. I work in a grocery store too. And I've had to put back full carts that people have left at my lane because they forgot their wallets.

My grocery store is like that but we have baggers that put everything away. But if it's not busy then cashiers can do it. I like doing it because I can screw around for a few hours. I'm just like "oh bread! That must be in Aisle 1 with the candy!!" and i just wander around.

chowyuk 0

work a year as a cahier ya sure, how bout join the millitary or a real hard working job and learn what really earning your pay feels like so they don't cry about putting groceres away.

That person was just saying that everyone should have to work a year in customer service so that people will be nicer to the people who DO work in customer service. I don't think there was any sort of comment about it being harder than the military or any form of that job. And I agree that people should have to work a year in customer service. Then maybe you won't get such douchebag customers that make a crappy job crappier.

Let's define "have to", shall we? Are you saying that instead of mandatory military service they have in Taiwan, for example, that the U.S. should draft Taco Bell employees? "Sorry, Billy, I know you wanted to go to college, but you're going to be a sandwich artist instead!"

chowyuk 0

C'mon seriously how can u believe that not just saying military do a year on a oil rig or on a farm then you'd be glad to go back to the register be glad you have a pay check coming.

arienh4 0

Please don't, there are enough idiots who do it voluntarily anyway, don't make it worse.

The main issue is that people don't realize how difficult some people are to deal with. If they could realize that, hopefully they would be less difficult to deal with. Whereas we actually realize how difficult it is to work in the military or on an oil rig or something. Though actually we can't realize how hard it is to work one of those jobs because we don't. But we can know that it is difficult and most SANE people don't try to mess with people working tough jobs because they realize it's tough, whereas there are people who get bored and decide to mess with customer service people just for fun. And that's not even including the psychos. Not saying that retail is in any way harder than manual labor or the military, because of course it isn't. Just saying that people don't realize what it's like to constantly deal with jerks.

kiit23 0

He didn't do it on purpose, he just forgot his wallet. Something almost everyone does at some point in time. Yes, it sucks to put stuff away, but that doesn't make him an asshole.

Unfortunately, being on the receiving end of such a mistake makes all but the most forgiving of us think, however briefly, "What an ass."

I work in retail, and I honestly don't think this is that bad. And I also don't see where you work that you'd have to put it all away. Though, really, if I was cashier and some customer did this to me, I'd be happy to get to leave the register to put all their stuff away. Reshops are much more fun than ringing. This has happened to me several times, though, and I never once thought fml about it.

haha same to me. I love reshoping things! what store do you work at?

I work at a Rite Aid. It used to be Brooks and was awesome but is now Rite Aid and sucks. And since it's a drug store, we don't have set cashiers and whatnot but basically do whatever needs to be done. Where do you work? :)

This took you 10 minutes? What are you, 90 years old? I suggest picking a job in something that doesn't involve using your obviously useless hands. Or else you're going to get alot of annoyed customers.

where everyone should work at least once is as a server in a restaurant. Some people I guess don't realize that they don't make minimum wage (in my state its $2.13/hr), it's not their fault if your food takes a long time or isn't cooked right, and you are not their only table. You can always tell who has worked as a server and who hasn't by the tip.

people were saying everyone should work a year in customer service. Guess I prob should have made it in response to that

arienh4 0

So, it's not their fault if the food takes a long time? Then they're not responsible for the food, correct? Then what the hell am I tipping THEM for? I should be tipping the chefs. Oh, I don't live anywhere where wage is that ****** up by the way.

Most states the average pay rate for most servers is between $2.50 and $4.00. This is true of almost all restaurants from your local diner to massive chain restaurants (Olive Garden, Outback, etc.) Keep that in mind when you are out at the restaurants, and be generous to the servers. The standard tip is now between 18-20% if they do satisfactory, and you can dock or raise from there depending on how well they do their jobs. As for the actual issue this FML is about, at least he didnt go to the self checkout lane. The more people that use those, the more "useless" the cashiers look, and its not long before more get fired/laid off to save the company money.

MessyPaint 0

Ever notice how you don't need to pay a tip when you get take-out? Think about it for a second. The tip isn't for the food.

Where I live, servers get at least $8 to $10/hr. Here the tip you give is based on how good the service was. The servers don't need it to survive, it is a bonus.

Don't need to pay a tip for take-out? I work in take out. People order 400 dollar orders that take me half an hour to bag and prepare all the sauces and drinks and ice creams for and think they don't have to leave anything, or leave me a dollar. Come on. If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip, don't be a cheap ass.

#82 I agree totally, I used to serve but now I only work togo. While I don't feel it's necessary to give the full 18-20% to me since I do make minimum wage (which just went up to 7.25 in my state), but I do think it's messed up when people can't give me a dollar for what I do. The job is much more than people think it is. Sometimes our owners will order food, like just today, they ordered $79 dollars worth of food and didn't have to pay for any of it and didn't even tip me a dollar. Then he proceeded to yell at the guys in the kitchen for not weighing out fries saying "there's your food cost". And #41, if you didn't have servers your food would be made, but then it would just sit in the window and you would never get it. Retard. And trust me, there is a reason those guys work in the back, not to mention there is a good chance they are making more than minimum wage anyways. You try waiting on inconsiderate assholes all day with a smile only for them to leave you a shitty tip.

Also, most servers have to tip out to the bartender, hosts, bussers, etc. So technically if you don't leave them a tip they are paying to wait on you. AND they have to claim their tips at the end of the night and pay taxes on them. Not bitching about having to pay taxes, just saying I know I have gotten a paycheck for $0.00 before and that's never fun. Ok, I'll step down from my soapbox now :)