Party Hard!

By Livewire - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it's New Year's Eve. My husband and I weren't invited to any parties, and we don't have a sitter to be able to go out by ourselves. Instead, I'm watching "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2" on the Disney channel with our 5-year-old, and my husband has passed out on the couch from sheer boredom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 273
You deserved it 7 809

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, you're with your family :) what more can you ask for? Be happy you guys are all together whether it is of "sheer boredom". Happy New Year!

New Years shouldn't always be about going out and partying. Be thankful for your family and stop being so stuck-up.


AdrianEC 15

Better than one of those shows like Hannah Montana, Shake it Up and whatever else they have on there.

Well you guys officially have a kid so just enjoy spending time together (:

Snafuusmc 12

Me to well I was at home with my dog but now I'm at ihop along with drunks. FML

bobofomo1234 1

lol at least you are with the ones you love! im in a similar situation, but apparently my wife hates me, so im watching dog the bounty hunter with my 3yr old on my lap in the other room. i couldnt be happier with my company!

puertoricanjoy 6

You might THINK it sucks to be sitting at home watching a movie with your 5 year old with your husband passed out on the couch, but in reality you don't know how blessed you are. I know a couple moms who would love to have their kids with them to watch just one more movie but instead those babies have passed, I also know of a woman who's husband passed the day before Christmas. Stop complaining, and start enjoying the precious moments you have with your family. F your families life for having to deal with someone who is ungrateful for the time she has with them. Smh.

Welcome to motherhood. Is it not what you expected? Too bad.

partybz 0

At least your with your family!! People have love ones over sea's

audiophileMom 11

OP, you're an idiot if you can't appreciate spending new years with your kid! And that it was boring is your own fault, too. You definitely don't deserve it, because this shouldn't be a FML at all.

AdrianEC 15

I second this. New Year's isn't supposed to be about the crappy movies and the dull atmosphere, but it's about being with who you care about and love.

fogrunner 13

Ahh that really must suck. I hate being bored or doing completely nothing during a holiday, makes me feel bad and lonely :(