Panic! In the Bathroom

By MAWZ - 19/07/2011 06:33 - United States

Today, while I was showering, my brother thought it would be funny to burst through the door pretending he was a burglar. Panicked, I went to grab the soap bar as a weapon, slipped, fell, and hit my head on the faucet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 743
You deserved it 5 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments


soap bar???? wtf?? well even if u wouldn't have slipped u wouldn't have won with a soap bar!

budd28 0

that was a test and u failed ( voice if zero from silent library)

OUCH!!! you should've used the shower curtain rod :P

KayDayParade 0

am I the only one who thinks it's a little weird that the brother walked in there..knowing she would be naked?

jessdm21 0

good thing it wasn't a real burglar!!

TheRealSIDeal 1

go to his room and beat him with a soap bar in a sock.

throwing the soap at him would clean up his act!

hahhahahhahaha LOL!!!!!! and really?? a soap bar????