On the sauce

By drinkdrankdrunk - 27/09/2013 07:33 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I woke up from a night of heavy drinking to find my girlfriend dumped me. Apparently I drunk-called her last night and told her that someone as beautiful as her could be with someone way better than me. She agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 252
You deserved it 17 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Drunk call her back so you have an excuse to call her a stupid bitch.

Lol I once did that. Jk, what's a girlfriend?


Eesh. Sounds like drinking should be off your to do list.

I agree, if you can't hold your liquor then don't drink. Also, I'm sure she doesn't want to be dating an alcoholic.

I can't believe some people act like that sorry op

Was expecting to click "YDI" when I saw "drunk called", but damn. Sorry Op

mansen 15

Night of heavy drinking hey? How frequent are your nights of drinking? Perhaps your ex didn't break up with you because she was 'too pretty to be with you', but had enough of the nights of drinking? Need more information to really judge if the gf was being a bitch or the OP has a problem.

Exactly what I was thinking. If I had a bf who constantly drunk-dialed me in the middle of the night and woke me up I would probably break up with him too.

Truth isn't always true. There is always a lie behind it. You have got truth scammed!!

I am sorry for you she didn't listen to the real truth! Who dose? Sorry op you are screwed

You don't need her she is conceited and egotistic.

Well now you are free to find someone who appreciates you.

jw90 18

@ 18 that's how my friend drunk calls girls. "Hey, I'm so drunk right now..but that's ok, cuz I love you and I want I be with you..shut up Josh I'm trying to tell this chick I love her. I don't care if I just met her! I love her! Anyway babe..yea lets go out sometime."

That's shitty :( I hope you're okay!