OK Shaggy

By familydisaster - 05/08/2009 04:13 - United States

Today, I was fired from my job at a local family-ran restaurant. The Reason? The owner's daughter has been stealing money from the register little by little and has blamed me for all the lost money. The boss is still convinced it's me, though, because his daughter would "never tell a lie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 575
You deserved it 2 510

Same thing different taste


wooow FYL.. that actually sucks! go knock her out! haha!

mouseintern 0

Well at least you don't have to work for that idiot anymore, and he'll live with the consequences of keeping the thief around. A fool and his money are soon parted, after all.

O what a bitch! that is messed up man. especially during these shitty times no one has a job, and you get fired for doing your job.

CynicComedian 2

What a ****! And what whipped idiot of a father! Make sure the whole town knows this and ruin them.

That sucks. I'd sue the hell out of them.

I moderated this :) seriously you shold've pimp slapped the bitch or at least try and have some proof instead of a blind accusation

I hate people like that and I ******* hate parents who believe their children can do no wrong.

The_Cait 0

Are you sure it isn't because you don't know the simple difference between "ran" and "run"? I am sorry that you got blamed for the daughter's greed, though.

DCMurphy 0

As a fellow Rhody citizen, what restaurant is it? I want to make sure I don't support this place.