
By Anonymous - 04/04/2009 04:34 - United States

Today, I went to the doctor because my arm hurt. When he told me I had tennis elbow, I said, "That's funny, I don't play tennis." He then asked me if I had a girlfriend. When I said no, he said, "Well I guess we solved this one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 78 861
You deserved it 20 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow #5...Just wow. He has tennis elbow because he spends all of his time at home beating the hell out of his meat. ...And no, I don't think he's a butcher.


Can't even be mad at a comment like that. You get to tell that story forever. Gold

MukyDaCookie 0

ROFLMAO How does it feel to get destroyed by someone in a white coat?

#37 bet me to it. but #41, tennis elbow is when one arm is bigger than the other. common activities that lead to that is: sports only using one hand. Or if you work at an ice cream store and only use one arm to scoop.

Epic fail. You have no idea what tennis elbow is. Tennis elbow is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender, affecting men or women about 50/50. It is more often found among workers who have to use their elbow in repetitive movements. The pain can get very bad, and it can lead to permanent damage. To get a tennis elbow out of faping, you'd need to abuse it at insane levels. The doctor was either making a poor joke, or he was serious and the OP has an a problem with sex (hypersexuality) that having a girlfriend won't solve. So, OP, to heal your arm, you have to stop moving it.

hahaha, oh unlucky dude, what did you do after that? Just go pink in the face lol?

effmalife 0

haha thats funny at least ur doc has a good sense of humor so it wasnt SUPER awkward. and dont worry every does it =]