Now you know

By foolishgirl - 25/02/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I emailed my boyfriend from work. Out of habit, I absent-mindedly entered my department into the "From" field. My boyfriend didn't notice when he replied. Now my entire department knows I want to "drop to my knees and suck him when I get home." And he plans to "finish on my face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 906
You deserved it 74 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haygurlhay 0

No sympathy from me. You should know better than to send emails like that.

perhaps texting would have been a better choice?


holynemesis1208 3
greatnt249 0

"Now my entire department knows..." Thanks to your post, now the rest of the world knows; you're now 0 for 2 on using discretion with the Internet. On a side note, it would have been hilarious receiving that e-mail at work.

graceeleandra 0

you so deserved that. you shouldnt say that through mail in an office

ohmygodkeepgoingohmygodohmygodyesyesyesi'msocloseYESYESOHMYGOD... ZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe nobody called this as fake yet. You can't add anyone to the "From" field.

itsfuntobesexy 0

Haha, #29 made me laugh. Re: your FML, that really sucks for you. Hopefully your kinky sex that night was worth it? Lol.