Not now!

By me_jpg - 13/02/2016 15:43 - United States

Today, my upstairs neighbor woke me with her sex moans, reminding me how single I'll be on Valentine's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 737
You deserved it 2 332

me_jpg tells us more.

Whoa this got published haha! Thank you guys, being single is not a bad thing to me, I very much enjoy it in some ways, not so much in others. Hearing someone be intimate with another makes me wish I had that though. Just a thought. Happy valentines!

Top comments

Being in a relationship just for the sake of not being single is worse than being single. Being alone is not bad. Being lonely is. Both being single and in a relationship have their ups and downs. Love yourself OP, love yourself and everyone will love you. Everyone. Well except me. I am a hater.

Being single on Valentine's day isn't the end of the world...


I've been with my hubby for almost 15 years, and Valentine's Day is useless in my opinion. At first we got each other stupid cheesy stuffed toys or flowers, but soon realized that you really don't need a "special" day to show your SO you love them. It's all for marketing, and another reason for many females to get pissed off when they don't get what they want.

Blast porno on your tv show them what it feels like lol

Being single is awesome. You feel freer. Well that's me.

Start watching some Netflix tv series.. Before you know the valentines day would be over

Best advice anyone ever gave me: if you are unhappy with your circumstances, change what you have the power to change. No one will do it for you. I followed that advice and met my wife a month later.

ShortieRose 30

Just remember, valentine's day is just another day... no one loves you the other 364 days either! ;)

youre not alone ! ...well i mean, not literally

Don't feel bad, just because she was having sex doesn't mean she's in a relationship. It could have been a one nite stand.

positive note: Daryl is back! I mean, at least we have no one to interrupt TWD! :-D