Not guilty

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, my husband came home, drunk and with lipstick smeared on his face. When I confronted him about it, he just slurred, "Ah don't worry babe, it ain't mine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 961
You deserved it 3 069

Top comments

It's not yours, and hopefully there won't be anymore from you ever again.

Well he's not wrong.... Sorry, OP. Sit him down for a highly uncomfortable chat when he's sober. Don't hold back.


Where has the class in this world gone...

SystemofaBlink41 27

I don't think the world ever had much class to begin with...

Find him some sort of alcohol chaperone like a nonalcoholic friend of his for whenever he goes anywhere like a bar.

taylolol 12

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memily63 12

Being drunk isn't an excuse. Cheating is cheating no matter the circumstance.

what if a woman took advantage of him while he was drunk, is being drunk still no excuse? Would that still count for a woman being drunk and a guy taking advantage of her?

Damn kick his ass to the curb, you deserve better OP. He's not a man anyways real men don't cheat, but a "teenager/boy" does.

At least it wasn't a ring of lipstick around his dick?

Jack_Me_Off_Jerk 5

Ask the right question. Get the right awsner.

allyiscute1 22

This made me so sad I'm sorry op:/

ForeverJasmine 26

At least you know he doesn't wear lipstick!