Not going well, is it?

By Anonymous - 24/03/2021 20:00 - United States

Today, I've been married for six months, my husband and I are in our early twenties, and not only does he have absolutely no interest in any kind of sexual act with me, he actually becomes angry and irritated when I try to come on to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 394
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's some serious red flags either your husband is cheating ,has a different sexual orientation and is using the marriage as a front to his family or you might even be being gafted. time for a serious talk and if that doesn't solve the issues then it's time for a lawyer and a divorce. good luck OP don't put up with that kind of shit not to mention this is also a manipulation tactic for abusive people

The most likely explanation is that husband is gay and you are his disguise to hide that. By the way, never marry someone if you have not had sex with them. Sexual intimacy is a basic human need for most people. If you marry someone without having had sex with them, how are you to know you are compatible in this respect.


tounces7 27

Pretty obvious a divorce is the only outcome here, you need to tell him he should leave and go find the man of his dreams.

JFI_Act 12

Get out. He’s not going to change.

Babygirlbutterfly86 4

.D.I.V.O.R.C.E. His sorry ass ! If it’s like this early on it will continue to get worse. Congratulations it sounds like you’ve married a narcissist!

He's probably gay or Bisexual but he isn't sure yet so he's chillin in the closet...

black_dragonfly13 6

Were y’all abstaining from sex until marriage, or is this a new thing that’s begun since the marriage? If the former, why would you still marry him? If the latter, I suggest marriage counseling. Hopefully this is something that can be worked through.