No help wanted

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I saw a customer wandering around, looking confused. I went over and kindly asked if I could help him find anything. He said no, but that he'd help me find the teeth he'd knock out of my mouth if I didn't get lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 802
You deserved it 3 381

Top comments

cellycrunk 16

Ouch. Maybe he was trying to steal something?

i dont undetstand people like this. god what an ass


That sounds like a black-market deal, pre-exchange.

SteppenBeatle 3

I'm just trying to imagen someone with all their teeth knocked out. Damn, that would look really funny.

hmrhoades 18 least he would help you find them?

i dont get these ignorant customers, is it so hard to just say no

I would have gone up to his face and called his bluff. "Bitch, ******* try it!"

Some days I wish assault with a crowbar was legal...

RedPillSucks 31

That would make it easier to knock people's teeth out, I suppose.

ostfaiz 18

May be the word 'help' had a bad impression on that persons life! everytime someone offered him a 'help' left him in a mess or looted, so he found Ops 'help' the same way