Never engage with crazy

By fxck - 20/07/2012 22:45 - South Africa - Durban

Today, while walking home, I passed some guy loudly whining that foreign imports are destroying our economy, and that we should all be deported. When I pointed out that the mobile phone in his hand was clearly a Samsung, he turned bright red and punched me in the gut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 208
You deserved it 4 960

Same thing different taste


Some assholes just cant handle the truth.

In today's society, if you present logic you are frowned upon... What happened to people

Your profile image is absolutely AWESOME!

Haven't there been enough FMLs involving getting physically assaulted by random people spewing trash out of their mouths after trying to correct or enlighten them? Gs. Just apologize, continue walking, and DON'T get punched. Just a suggestion...

Did you really care about what he was saying or just felt like being a witty d-bag? If it's the latter, you deserved to get punched. If you're not ready to accept the consequences of your actions, then keep your mouth shut.

That's called assault. You're an idiot for not having his illiterate self arrested.

So run your mouth and then have the guy arrested? how about you learn to mind your own business before you bring the police into it?

I'm going to be honest, we do need imports and experts but I think that what most people don't like is foreigners coming into the US, Australia and England and taking the jobs instead of locals getting them, or getting the job when they lack communication skills such as English at least in those countries. Also.a lot of people don't like people coming into the UK and Aus and claiming welfare and expecting handouts while not wanting to work and pay taxes like the rest of us.

Ignore conversation. Walk home unscathed.