
By f*ck - 02/05/2012 16:22 - United States

Today, I had a date with the girl I've been interested in for months. I'm pretty laid-back and casual with my friends, which backfired and caused the date to end with a slap, when I greeted her with a friendly "S'up, slut?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 314
You deserved it 98 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you are close friends I see no way in which that is appropriate. YDI


10, I call my friends and my long term boyfriend all sorts of "nasty" names. It's pretty common in Australia.

She's someone your dating not your friend that you've know for years. Fool.

knightgirl95 3

^I thought that was your favorite song of all time, Kay.

Scotland's the worst, trust me... Some random granny called me a "shit eating ****" for accidentally brushing her shoulder while walking past.

LouserXo 6

I guess you're still a virgin

citymayer 7

I'm sorry you're such an idiot.

How did that ever seem like a good idea? Really?