Misery loves company

By Anonymous - 03/10/2011 21:41 - United Kingdom

Today, my 20 year-old daughter started ranting to me about her latest boyfriend's erectile problems. Trying to be a good dad, I told her all I knew about how to get the boy fixed. My wife decided to stick her head in and say, "Listen to your dad, hun. He knows all about this kind of thing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 872
You deserved it 5 788

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missyj0 12

Am I the only one that finds it odd to talk to your dad about your boyfriends penis? I mean it's great you have such a tight knit family, but I don't think I'd want my dad knowing about my boyfriend's package.


Lioashi 7

It's okay, it happens to the best of us... A lot of us aren't the best, but you are part of the few that are. Lol.

truepanda 2

u r a good dad. others will just run away from the subject. :)

Oops! I pressed YDI by mistake. Sorry OP, of course you don't!

Wow o.0. **** your life, your daughter's boyfriend's life, and your daughter's, for that comment your wife made.

I get the whole having a close relationship with your kid but talking about your sex life with your parent is just weird to me.

BeardedLondoner 24

Weirdo. Be a parent not a friend

BeardedLondoner 24

Weirdo. Be a parent not a friend

Wtf? Who goes to their dad about their sex life? eewww. ydi