
By merkris - 29/06/2009 15:41 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my boyfriend and 2 friends. My uncle passed by me in the mall. He said, "What are you, babysitting or something?" He pointed to the merry-go-round. My boyfriend was sitting on a giraffe, yelling at the top of his lungs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 298
You deserved it 12 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

He sounds cute. What the **** is the problem.


Cittenscollar 0

ignore this, I accidentally posted twice

xforeverhart123 0

Awwww, you're boyfriend's so cute! haha, like someone else said, chill out. you're way too uptight if you think this is an FML... (no offense)

I wouldn't call this YDI or FYL, just a funny moment with your silly boyfriend. Sounds like a cute memory with a fun guy. Cheers~

Awwww, that's so cute. Though probably in this situation, the roles would be reversed. I'd be on the merry-go-round and my boyfriend would be the one going "WTF." :D Either way, it's cute.

If that was at the Smithhaven Mall, I think I saw him. O___o

Roseyro 0

If it had been my boyfriend i would have just thought it was cute. Its nice to have a guy with a sense of humor.

That made me LOL. I would do teh same exact thing.

emikonaito 0

Goofy boyfriend, can't be that bad right xD

if my boyfriend did that, i would instantly fall in love with him.