
By babysheets - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Uruguay

Today, I washed my sheets. They wouldn't dry quick enough, so I had to use my old Buzz Lightyear sheets. My new girlfriend took it upon herself to become a damn psychic and pay me a surprise visit right there and then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 039
You deserved it 4 496

Top comments

Kraft92 8

Maybe she'll wanna lay on them and play with your Woody? I'm sorry, that was horrible.


Buzz Lightyear is sexy and the biggest turn on for girls...have fun! ;)

Buzz lightyear? Horrible. Should'a grown up and picked Naruto or Bleach sheets instead!

GuardGirl126 9

Have you ever heard of a dryer? Best way to dry sheets! ;)

Gotta love the classic Disney Movies :3

bowser_rawr16 13

I still have my Lion King sheets and comforter that I sleep with every now and then.

Umm **** that because I have winnie the pooh and piglet on a comforter on my bed right now.

You should be proud to have buzz lightyear

magnetic_aura 26

She's YOUR girlfriend. She's got to know your quirkier facets. I'm sure she'd think the sheets were cute!

this makes no sense. your sheets wouldn't dry fast enough for what?