
By babysheets - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Uruguay

Today, I washed my sheets. They wouldn't dry quick enough, so I had to use my old Buzz Lightyear sheets. My new girlfriend took it upon herself to become a damn psychic and pay me a surprise visit right there and then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 039
You deserved it 4 496

Top comments

Kraft92 8

Maybe she'll wanna lay on them and play with your Woody? I'm sorry, that was horrible.


Pretend Emperor Zurg is hiding in her underpants and blast her with your secret weapon.(:

Hahaha yeah, whip it out and be like "Meet Emperor Zurg!"

zebralover23 14

Oh who cares I still have Whinnie the pooh

Who gives a shit??? Buzz Lightyear is G status!!!

Take her to infinity! and beyond!!!!!!!!!

I friggin' rock my Little Mermaid sheets.

ArielTheMermaid 17

If my boyfriend had sheets like that I'd marry him.

Your girlfriend should appreciate you having clean sheets. Most guys only wash their sheets when they stink to high heavens and can barely stand sleeping in them themselves.:P

Assuming the Buzz Lightyear sheets are clean, which I hope they are. If your girlfriend knows you well enough, she shouldn't mind the sheets. If she laughs, it's okay. Hopefully she'll wanna get down and dirty with you.

OHai15 12

Dont let Buzz Lightyear cockblock...."To infenity and beyond!!"