Man cave

By Anonymous - 04/10/2023 04:00

Today, it's been about two months since I made my husband sleep in the spare room after an argument. I invited him back to our room after two nights but he refused. Since then he’s moved a TV, Xbox, fridge and new armchair into the spare room, and put a lock on the door only he has a key for. I’ve barely seen him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 269
You deserved it 1 950

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like you did this to yourself. 2 months? how ridiculous to keep a fight going that long. sounds like you don't communicate at all with eachother.

Some of you can’t read. OP said after TWO NIGHTS, they invited him back, but he refused and wanted to stay there.


Never bet what you can’t afford to lose. OP, it’s not your house it’s you and your husband’s house. it wasn’t your bedroom it was his and yours. it’s stupid, childish, and an old cliche to tell your mate to sleep in another room because you had an argument… OP, I would say your husband called your bluff and if you don’t want to wind up divorced you better work on your communications. At this point you may need relationship counseling for the two of you.

He knows that if goes back you'll just find another reason to kick him out, and it just isn't worth playing a rigged game anymore.