Lost in the sauce

By notabadserver - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Canada - Toronto

Today, the head chef at work yelled at me for not knowing the difference between two sauces. I couldn't win the argument, even after a coworker admitted to filling both bottles with the same sauce. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 659
You deserved it 1 394

Top comments

joeyl2008 29

You might want to find a new job.


joeyl2008 29

You might want to find a new job.

the sauce... i don't know, you're using too much sauce, ok? I HAVE SOILED THE KRUSTY KRAB NAME SOILED IT SOILED IT SOILED IT SOILED IT

ABlindMan 17

Your boss sounds extremely stubborn for refusing to admit they were in the wrong. Especially since they them self wouldn't have been able to tell the difference if they had tried. FYL OP.

Sorry op, the head chef was probably embarrassed and took the cowardly way out of the situation.

KickAss73 12

What is it with people with power. Even when they're wrong just because they have authority they think they're right.

gabechriswill 19

Often the dumbest people have the strongest need to be right even if they're wrong- especially if they have a sliver of power. Brush it off and move on OP. hopefully this job gives you experience to move to the next.

I know how that goes. In our line of work, the chef is never "wrong". Head down, "yes, Chef"