Life's a beach

By squishylog - 12/08/2011 07:44 - United States

Today, my friend and I went for a late night walk along the beach. We decided to sit down on a log. It was a dead seal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 922
You deserved it 7 099

Same thing different taste


Really, you couldn't see it before you sat?..

How did you not realize it was a dead animal from the smell? It doesn't make it suck any less, but I would imagine it would smell horrific enough to warn you.

How did you not realize it was a dead animal from the smell? It doesn't make it suck any less, but I would imagine it would smell horrific enough to warn you.

Higher than seeing a log on the beach... Seriously, OP, how did you not notice it was a dead seal?

thir13enthour 0

Did that "Seal" the deal. Lol bad pun...

It wasn't dead until you fatties sat on it.

jallred254 4

And you weren't fat til you ate it

careful, dead things that are sat on are known to attack back *sits on same seal*. oh shit...

LMAO, you're lucky it didn't explode from the pressure, that would have been disgusting