Keeping score

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lawndale

Today, I found out why my teenage daughter won't brush her teeth properly. Apparently, my son convinced her that toothpaste has tons of calories. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 118
You deserved it 2 748

Top comments

But you don't even swallow toothpaste, so why would it be a problem even if it did have calories?

Wow. That's excessive. If you can't change her mind, tell her to use baking soda. Although, you really should talk to her because being that obsessive seems unhealthy.


... or, you know, have some common ******* sense and instantly realise her brother speak's bullshit.

Haven't you heard? Apparently, calories stick to the gums and then you wonder how did you gain that extra pound...

It's so sad, but it goes to show you girls are so self conscious of their weight. They take it to extremes, even if it's unrealistic. It's totally mental.

Somebody tell her mouthwash has calories too. She'll probably believe it!

mintcar 9

Tell her that poor dental hygiene is the least of her problems. If she doesn't start brushing well, no guy would want her. And as a teenage girl in school , that seems to be a bit more devastating.

Sitaaboo 6

Teenagers and weight gain. It's those magazines. They read them and forget how god damn beautiful they really are.

At least she isn't being subjected to the multitude of harmful and deadly chemicals in it!

FireFlie07 20

Might want to re-teach her a few things