Keeping score

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Lawndale

Today, I found out why my teenage daughter won't brush her teeth properly. Apparently, my son convinced her that toothpaste has tons of calories. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 118
You deserved it 2 748

Top comments

But you don't even swallow toothpaste, so why would it be a problem even if it did have calories?

Wow. That's excessive. If you can't change her mind, tell her to use baking soda. Although, you really should talk to her because being that obsessive seems unhealthy.


Ask her if she'd rather have no teeth, or gain a little weight.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

People with bad hygiene are the worst! :(

I hope she doesn't swallow toothpaste in the first place. I hear it's bad for you. And being pudgy versus rotting teeth... Take your choice.

I think it's clear that having teeth is more important than calories. You can lose those. But wow... You don't even swallow toothpaste

In all fairness, you can lose teeth as well.

rebel_belle1974 5

Sibling rivalry: Son 1 Daughter 0

pabst4america 1

Ive got two siblings so I can respect this

ninjuh_wingman 29

Pretty soon its going to reach the point where shes not brushing at all.

Even if that were true or made sense, your daughter still has her priorities screwed. I'm pretty sure I'd rather be a little on the 'curvy' side and have nice teeth and breath than be skinny, smell like an alley and have gum disease.

*Pauses in teeth brushing* THOOTH PATHE HATH CALORIETH??? *Spits out tooth paste urgently, then gargles and rinses madly*