Keep it down

By howsthisforaname - 24/05/2012 12:59 - United Kingdom - Kingston Upon Hull

Today, after my old downstairs neighbor, who would come upstairs to bang on my door and yell at me every time she heard a sound from me at all times of the day, had finally moved out, it became clear that my new downstairs neighbor gets drunk and yells at the TV in the early hours of the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 776
You deserved it 2 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

That's unfortunate. But hey at least you'll have a fun drinking buddy.

From: *sneeze* "Quiet, whipper snapper!" To: "NO, MAURY! HE ISN'T THE FATHER! YOURE WRONG! *sobbing* You're wrong..."


smydiwannafthata 5

Get a remote of her tv model and mute it. If she is really that drunk, she won't notice.

babyshaft408 8

Hey at least u can be normal now

pinkpixie06 11

If only we could all choose our neighbors...

NailQueen2 7

I was taught Latin at school and the grammar sticks with you. Who decided to apply a Latin grammatical system to a Germanic language I do not know, but many a school child curses them daily.

Tell your landlord, they can kick someone out of they're too loud

22cute 17

You live in a "bad neighborhood", Op. That's how they get the name.

It is quite a bad neighborhood but its all I can afford for now. I am hoping to get a better job so that I can move but, and I hate to use the economy excuse here, the job market sucks.

Rather appropriate phrasing in that question.