By Whoops - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at my job in a nursing home, the State Department of Health inspected us, during which a dementia patient repeatedly screamed that I always hurt her. This was the first time that I'd ever seen her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 491
You deserved it 2 078

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Are you sure you're not the one with dementia? I saw you kick her just yesterday.

They always have to take it seriously. And it's a full on investigation - with witness statements, skin checks, and maybe being sent home while the investigation takes place. Last time they visited us they investigated a dementia patient that had her 'purse' stolen. A purse she hadn't had in some 7 years... And then there is the impatient lady who insists on getting her blood sugar checked at the desk daily - because she has to get to breakfast on time (and the doors aren't even open yet - but don't dare argue!) (You are supposed to do it in private.) She told the investigators "I don't know why they 'make' me do it here." I could go on and on... They don't live in the real world and are often not very nice. I sympathize!


tehslack 5

Not really an FML. I'm sure they all know the person has dementia, so chill.

JRokka850 6

How have you not seen her before? Don't you work there..? I know all the patients at my nursing home.

new people move in those kinda places :O the people who stay at nursing homes, don't very often stay long.

sometimes they have dreams too. one of the old ladies cried bloody murder over my very handsome colleague , apparently he had been standing outside her bedroom window and had his fun.. nevermind that she lives on the third floor.