Ivy league

By WasteOMoney - 04/07/2011 01:50 - United States

Today, my son called me from medical school, asking for a new phone. Why? Because he dropped it in the toilet. How? Trying to take a video of his anus while taking a dump. I pay $80,000 a year just to hear he took a dump on his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 807
You deserved it 6 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, his education and your money are both going down the drain. Among other things...


You should flush his ass down the toilet.

What's worse is that he told you what he did! I see a vet in his future lol

He's a student give him some slack. He will have been so drunk he probably didn't realise what planet he was on.

ThePersonWhoComm 0

he probably learns and works hard butt now he's just goofing off . this FML suxx

Lol how did he call you if he dropped his phone in the toilet?

if you have 80 000$ u can buy him a new phone right?!?!