It's a doggy dog world

By Patrick - 14/10/2012 04:39 - United States - Sulphur

Today, I brought my new puppy home. I saw her sniffing around, so I took her outside to do her business. She simply played in the grass for ten minutes, so I brought her in. She walked in the door, squatted, and shit. She has diarrhea. This is the fourth time today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 675
You deserved it 4 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just stay outside with your dog, sounds much cleaner.

When my Corgi was a puppy, I'd stay outside with him until he did his business. Walking them rather than just letting them play tends to get it done quicker. After the fourth time though, you deserved it.


I'd be pissed. but yeah keep her outside.

40, even though wlddog jacked this thread he is completely right about training puppies. Since you obviously have such a strong opinion how would you discipline puppies? Use two historical examples to support you argument.

Should've learned the first three times dumbass.

meb9 4
Epikouros 31

Why would she shit on the beautiful green grass rather than the musty old carpet? You don't go outside either, do you? Well, maybe you should shit outside to show her how it's supposed to be done.

*shat Why not leave her outside if it's safe, or put newspaper on the floor? And sort out whatever's making her sick - an illness or the wrong kind of food.

Give ur puppy a treat and "throw a party" as if its the most awesome thing in the world that he or she went potty outside. Also use a verbal command when it starts to go like go potty.

This x 1000. It's all about patience, persistence and consistency. Wait the dog out, no matter what and have small bits of treats to give the dog immediately after it goes so that he/she makes the association. If you have to go out every 30 minutes then do it. If you are consistent your effort will pay off. There are no 'bad' dogs, only untrained ones. I also wouldn't be harsh even if you catch it going inside. It won't do anything constructive. Just take the dog out and use the associative word(s) again.

delightfultwist 5

diarrhea is not normal how about going to a vet

It actually is for a young puppy. We got my dog at 8 weeks old, and took him to the vet because of it. He turned out to be just fine, and the doctor said its pretty common in puppies .

While the stress of changing homes or diets can cause it, it's better to be safe then sorry since puppies also commonly have worms and parasites. My one mutt I rescued came home with worms, parasites and kennel cough. My current dog had parasites that are commonly found in dirt. It wasn't a big deal, just treated him. Even though the breeder took care of the litter and he was seen by a vet before I got him, shit still happens. Whenever you bring a new pet home, you should do a wellness check asap with your vet.

This shouldn't even be an Fml. It's part of having a puppy, you attention/pity seeking retard.

UpAllNight_862 6

32 I agreed with you completly, until you said to rub his face in its own feces. I am a dog behaviorist and I have been studying this topic for quite a while. The results have varied, but all in all, rubbing a dog's face in its feces does NOT help. What it does is makes the dog think that it is not okay to poop around you. It may seem okay but what will happen is, it will poop somewhere in the house where you're not looking, and worst of all will not go potty outside with you because they are scared to be punished. The best way to train a dog is just praise no pinishment.