It's a doggy dog world

By Patrick - 14/10/2012 04:39 - United States - Sulphur

Today, I brought my new puppy home. I saw her sniffing around, so I took her outside to do her business. She simply played in the grass for ten minutes, so I brought her in. She walked in the door, squatted, and shit. She has diarrhea. This is the fourth time today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 675
You deserved it 4 079

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just stay outside with your dog, sounds much cleaner.

When my Corgi was a puppy, I'd stay outside with him until he did his business. Walking them rather than just letting them play tends to get it done quicker. After the fourth time though, you deserved it.


What will happen if I say that's a "shitty situation." ?

KiddNYC1O 20

Feel the wrath! Aye! aye! aye! aye!

Wouldn't it be easier to clean up diarrhea inside? Unless you don't pick up after your dog.

Twisted_Angel 17

perhaps you should take her to the vet. diarrhea isn't normal in puppies. she could have parvo, which is deadly to small pups. if you catch it in time, you might get lucky, but just acting like it's no big deal, is stupid. get her to a vet. then get your carpets cleaned.

sandra1017 0

If it keeps ******** like that get the dog looked at it could have parvo

devore504 7

rolled up newspaper or stick to her butt or head.

It's just got diarrhea because its probably a little scared of this new environment and person. Don't take it out on the puppy, it doesn't know any better

YDI for not realizing that puppies need to be potty trained. Buy some training pads and teach the dog that pooping in the house is unacceptable. The training pads are there just in case your puppy does have an accident, it's much easier to clean up.

A few things that helped me housebreak my puppy quickly next time she goes in the house, use a rag to wipe her butt and put it outside where you want her to go. The scent will be there for her to make the connection. Take her go the same spot Every time. When she goes in the house, don't let her watch you cleaning it. Use one of the million products designed to remove the scent that she will smell after it is clean so she doesn't recognize it as a spot to go. Get her on a schedule of going out. When Sid was young I took him out every hour. I backed off as he got older. I also put bells on my door. I rang them as I was taking him out. He now rings them to tell me he needs to go out. And since she has the squirts, take her to the vet. Make sure she is worm and parasite free. Once her tummy isn't bothering her, it will become a lot easier to housebreak.

Quiet_one 22

What everyone else is saying - get off the internet take her to a vet. Diarrhea is not normal and you should be extra worried about it in a puppy. Parvo kills puppies. Intestinal parasites can kill puppies. Diarrhea caused by anything at all leads to dehydration, which also kills puppies if you don't take care of it quickly. You just got her, so for all you know this could have started yesterday or earlier- and timing is everything. The longer you wait, the worse it can get, especially if it turns out to be parvo. This is one thing you don't ever want to take chances with. TL;DR: If your new puppy has diarrhea, quit worrying about your carpet and get her to the vet ASAP.