Inked out

By Anonymous - 08/09/2010 08:19 - United States

Today, I was talking to my tattoo artist about how my girlfriend broke up with me. She had also gotten her tattoos from him, so they had talked quite a bit. He told me she had been cheating on me with her ex for two and a half months. He didn't tell me because he didn't want to lose business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 704
You deserved it 3 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hhheather 0

FYL for having a ***** for a girlfriend, but it's not his place to tell you she was cheating.

mona_is_here 10

It's business, nothing personal, son.


playa459 0

women cant live with them cant live with out

sallen0046 4

It's not his place to tell you or any of his business in the first place. He's your tattoo artist, not your best friend.

Izzy_babii 0

Waitt,he didn't tell you but he told you? O_o

carm3nl1 0

I wonder what else he knows about her?? Are you sure you've seen ALL of her tattoos?

RastaboyJordanE 0

there's too many hoes in america

You're both white trash if you get tattoos enough that you refer to a tattoo artist as "my tattoo artist."

carm3nl1 0

112- ur joking right? Many people have their own "tattoo artists." it's Better to go to one u know that will always do a good job.

my point is they're getting too many tattoos if they have such a personal relationship with their tattoo artist.

BelaLugosisdead 0

Or rather, they have a might rather large piece that has to be done in a series of long sessions. I have several friends who have sat many 3-5 hour sessions to get their tattoos completed.

So why bring it up now? Why rub in the fact that he knew OP was being cuckolded?

pster03 0

In this economy I can't blame the tatoo guy